Pony Boy – Pill Dub

What up everyone, as B Hanna already made it clear another work week and hopefully epic weekend for all you filthy dubsteppers has come to an end and it is back to the grind tomorrow. Figured I would drop this little gem for everyone I discovered a little earlier in the week and I have been playing non-stop for about three days now. Pony Boy is a relatively new name in the scene tearing up the decks in the Twin Cities of Minnesota! Pony Boy has taken an all time favorite of mine, Ganja Smuggling by The Expendables, and put his own filthy little twist on it. Gotta say there is nothing like finding an old favorite remixed into some awesomely heavy womp. But enough talking, have a good week everyone and turn up the bass and the tweetahs for this one and let her THUMP.

Pony Boy – Pill Dub

Check out Pony Boy’s Soundcloud